Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The squirrel mentioned together this family , Sciurus and the Tamiasciurus member, is the tree squirrel and the big bushy tail , the local productto Asia , the Americas and Europe.

The short tail ape is most universal archbishop the kind, the scopefrom the northern Africa to Japan. 22 short tails apes type current isapproved, for example Luo Houtuan the tail ape , Macacamulatta, with the Pakistan Berry shorttail ape, although several types lack the tail, and their common namementioned therefore they take the ape.

The boar or the wild boar are biological family Suidae omnivorous,lives in groups the mammal. It is the locality stretches acrossCentral Europe, the Mediterranean Sea area, and Asia took far southtakes Indonesia, with was introduced in elsewhere. This is thedomestic pig wild ancestor.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

I have no idea what you are doing???